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A New Opportunity

Every morning, we are given a new day. A new opportunity to do something good, to do something we love. When I was little, my dream was to be an entrepreneur and to own a business. Today, like so many others, I have worked hard to build my business.

entrepreneursPeople say we put a lot of work into our business. I say we put a lot of passion into our business. You see most don’t understand the mindset of people like you and me. That’s okay. We weren’t all created to be the same. We just learn as much as we can and try out. new things We focus on creating a great product or service. Sometimes we fail. But failing is just another way to learn. We pick ourselves up, take a breath and go back to the drawing board. Every time you fail you become one step closer to success. When you look back on your life, will you wish you had given it one more chance?

I was told that I would fail, to get my head out of the clouds. Go get a real job. But I didn’t listen. Yes, I’ve failed, I’ve fallen, but I never gave up and because of that, I have succeeded.

It’s Time to Wake Up Entrepreneurs!

It’s time to wake up entrepreneurs! Your dreams will stay dreams unless you get to work!. You are the writer of your story and today is a new chapter. Start networking, start sharing your dream. Speak it into reality.

Find people that lead by example. Find people who have a deep passion for what they do. Fellow entrepreneurs, help out the next generation of thinkers and do-ers. Chances are someone along the way inspired and helped you. It’s time we stand together. Each day you sit on the sidelines is another day that you don’t live the dream.

Look up

entrepreneurYou will face hard times. In those times instead of putting our heads down, we need to look up and pray, “God, show me my way, give me the confidence to trust in your plan and inspire me not to give up. Lord let me use my gifts to the best of my ability. When I fail, let me be humbled. When the competition succeeds, remove my pride and cheer them on for I know my time will come. When I succeed, let me give you praise and renew my focus”

In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly.

Never be lazy, but work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically.Rejoice in our confident hope. Be patient in trouble, and keep on praying.

It’s time to wake up entrepreneurs because the sun setting.

A little bit about Scott Cunningham

entrepreneursScott started Visual Element Media while still in college in 2008. He moved his company to Pittsburgh in 2009 where he found that small businesses were at a major disadvantage when it came to digital marketing. Scott wanted to provide small businesses with the opportunity to use video, social media and professional web design, but on a small business budget. In 2015, Scott moved his family back to his hometown of Ebensburg to continue working with small businesses. Visual Element Media now provides video, social media and web design services in Altoona, Johnstown, State College, Bedford, Somerset and everywhere in between!

You can contact Scott and his team at:

814 | 935 | 8037 or office@visualelementmedia.com