What is a responsive website?

By Nick Gueguen

In today’s ever-advancing digital age, having a responsive website for your business is crucial.

The Internet has become part of our daily lives. In fact, the Pew Research Center found last year that only 13 percent of Americans didn’t use the internet.

So when 87 percent of America is going to the web for their information, what will you do to get your business noticed?

Create a responsive website

A responsive website is a website that is user-friendly on multiple platforms. You don’t want to sacrifice content, but at the same time, you want to adjust your content as needed for each device you plan to show the website on. For smartphone readability, your responsive website should not hold too much information on the first page that people see from their smartphones. With smartphones and tablets, finding that balance between text content and image content is key.

The idea with this kind of site is that you show you’re up-to-date with technology advancements. You show that you’re ready to take on the challenges that the ever-changing technological landscape bring. You show that you’ve done your research on how to reach your customers.

With responsiveness on your website, you want to keep your information as concise as necessary, depending on the platform, but you also want visitors to click to other parts of the site. Readability and conciseness will help, but you also still need to get your information across to your visitors. Make sure they know what is most important about your company when they first open the site, but then you want them to continue browsing the site.

Responsive reaches out to millenials

Nielsen found in 2016 that millenials were the top smartphone users. With that kind of data in mind, and with the millenial age group now in the workforce, you want to reach this group. Readability across platforms makes your information popular because you are now on demand for the generation that wants everything now. With multi-platform sites, you’ll reach into this demographic and find success with them.

Read more: 31 Mobile Marketing Statistics to Help You Plan for 2017

With responsiveness on your website, you’ll be able to reach far beyond just computer users, and you’ll be able to find more business for your company.