Are landing pages past their prime?

There are a TON of different ideas and marketing methods out there. It’s hard to know what is still working and what isn’t. In the past, companies have had tremendous success using landing pages. They place a Facebook or Instagram out there with a link that sends potential customers to the landing page. That page has a simple form where they can sign up for a discounted or free service/product. As a result, companies can collect email addresses to build email lists.

What we know.

We know that if you can create value in your ad, people will still respond. At the end of the day, our job as marketers is to capture the attention of people who need your products and services. Once someone has a desire for your product or service, a landing page is a great way for them to get connected. Granted, Facebook is now offering simple form submissions, but they aren’t as effective as landing pages. Yet.

Recent Landing Page Success

landing page audiotone ebensburg

My thought is that if you are targeting the right audience and create a great ad, people will respond. Content is still king.

That is what we strive for each and every day here at VEM and we would love to help your business reach more potential customers using Video. Social. & Podcast. The amazing thing about our services is that they can be used independently, or integrated into a landing page like mentioned above.

If this is something you would like to explore with your business, simply contact us for an exploratory meeting. After that, we will be able to give a detailed plan to achieve your goals.